Referência: SKU:4987
SubTitulo: of The pen and pencil
Descrição: London, 1845. São 2 volumes encadernados em um. Bonita encadernação da época de lomb. e cantos em pele; XI+ 352 págs.+ 1 grav extra- texto e VIII+ 364 págs.+ 1 grav extra- texto; 20cm. Marmoreado no corte das folhas. BOM EXEMPLAR. Gravuras muito interessantes, uma de " S. João da Foz & The Entrance of The Douro" e a outra " Oporto & the Serra Convent." " (...) A book of travels, a guide book of places and persons, and a summary of the political, social, and religious state of the Portuguese, all in one. A more agreeable and instructive book of its kind, cannot be easily imagined. Witness the unintencional taking of Vigo by a coup de main. A large party from the steamer, mostly composed of naval men going out to join their ship in the Mediterranean, landed in a boat by themselves late in the evening (...) The Douro, its boats, and the " heroic and everuncoquered city of Oporto" are described with a particularity that leaves nothing to be desired, except it were a run among the vine- clad hills, and a few inhalations of orangescented gales. Granite being the foundation on which the city stands, every edifice has the windows and door- frames of carved stone, and the lowest cottage is formed to endure for ages. Against the walls, or under arches, are arabesque fountains, a relic of the Moors left on a genial soil, for everywhere an architectural respect for the blessing of water is an emblem of a sunny climate. (...) " In- The New Monthly Magazine, Volume 75.
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